How to organize your recipes using a mind-map
Do you ever find yourself standing in the kitchen, trying to select a meal to prepare, feeling overwhelmed by all the choices? With a mind map, you can easily organize your recipes for quick reference and make dinner preparation a breeze. This article will explore the benefits of using a mind map to organize your recipes and how it can make dinner time less stressful.
Your own “a la carte”
A mind map can help you keep track of all your favorite recipes, making them easy to find and access when it's time to cook. With a few clicks, you can pull up the ingredients and instructions for any dish you're interested in making. This allows you to create your own personalized menu of delicious meals that you can enjoy over and over again.
Building your map
The visual aspect of a mind map can also come in handy when organizing your recipes. For example, if you group similar types of dishes together, such as “Italian” or “Asian,” it will be easier to remember their flavors and ingredients.
You can also add emojis to the recipe titles for different types of recipes, such as vegetarian, gluten-free, etc., so you can easily spot them when planning meals.
One neat idea for dinners that include multiple dishes is to start with the main dish as usual, but to branch out to side-dishes. For example, tacos could branch out to cover guacamole and salsa.
When you have the structure nailed down, you can start filling the mind map with notes and recipes, personally I prefer to add a short description of the dish, including the overall taste, and then maybe even add a image to the notes field to top it off. If there is something peculiar to keep in mind when cooking, adding a highlight or marker will make it easier to spot.
Another top tip is to add a rating to each recipe based on the time it takes to prepare it.
I created an example map here for dinners, try to make your own by incorporating the dishes you like to make, or even make a special one for breakfasts or desserts!
If you click on "Green Risotto" or "Pizza Margherita", you can see examples of stored recipes.

By utilizing a mind map, you can easily and efficiently organize your recipes and make dinner preparation much simpler. You'll have quick access to your favorite dishes, be able to make healthier food choices, and even visualize different types of recipes.
Now, who said dinner had to be stressful?